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Watch her disappear — Illustration book based on a Tom Waits' song
The faraway yelping of a wounded dog
And the ground is drinking a slow faucet leak
Your house is so soft and fading as it soaks the black summer heat
A light goes on and the door opens
And a yellow cat runs out on the stream of hall light and into the yard

The Red and Silver Fantastique and the Libretto of the Insipid Minstrel
Illustrations inspired by Lucas Lanthier's tale.
Acrylic painting and line engraving.
I drag my right arm through the sawdust… he hasn't opened his eyes in months. He was a small dog. He lost his hat and he never made a very convincing primate. I was painted red and silver. Now I'm lonely, lost my dollar, and my dog, he rots (…)

A Crossbreed — Illustration book based on a short story by Franz Kafka
I have a curious animal, half kitten, half lamb. It is a legacy from my father.
But it only developed in my time; formerly it was far more lamb than kitten.
Now it is both in about equal parts.